Bayley, Tote and Rhythm Hemehema |
Before becoming involved in the Computers in Homes Programme, I must admit, I was a little sceptical. It’s not every day that an amazing opportunity is offered to you. However, upon reflection, it was one of the best decisions I made filling out that application form.
My name is Tote, I am a single parent of two gifted strong children, whom I have always called my cookie monstaz. My daughter Baylie is 14yrs, attends Massey High School and my son Rhythm, is 9yrs, attends Lincoln Heights School in Massey and it was through his school, that we became part of the Computers in Homes Family.
I work as a NZ Sign Language Interpreter and with my job and being so involved in the Deaf Community, I need to have access to the Internet and skype in order to maintain easier contact with everything technical for work and also with Deaf. It can be extremely hard to rely on face to face contact with the Deaf Community, skype makes life so much easier when life is hard enough trying to juggle everything, especially as a single parent. Being an Interpreter is not just my job, its my lifestyle - and what better way to give back than being able to share my voice and my gift of hearing with the Deaf World on a daily basis.
I was blessed with a webcam from Cara on Graduation night. Having a computer at home with access to the internet has enabled me to do my job better, maintain contact with the Deaf Community, allows my monstaz the opportunity to learn more online but has also reawakened their pasison for learning. They ask more questions, they want to know more, they want to excel in school and they’re hungry for knowledge, and knowledge is power. The most amazing part of this journey is that we have been able to spend more quality time together!
Absolutely anything is possible if you believe. I believe it, my monstaz believe it and I will continue encouraging others to believe. I also believe in Computers in Homes. Their organisation has the power to educate families via the internet from home. This not only opens our lives to a world of opportunities with new eyes, it encourages family bonds, the sharing of idea’s, the hunger for learning and the gift of being able to give back.
It’s been an amazing journey with Computers in Homes and I give my sincere thanks and appreciation to Cara and her Team, who on a daily basis, share their magic by showing the world, that ANYTHING, is indeed possible.